Digital Marketing: Why you should use QR codes for your business

22 March 2022

Adam Richards

Managing Director

To capture the attention of your audience isn’t always plain sailing. Now imagine doing that during the most high-profile advertising event of the year.

QRcode restaurant

Coinbase made waves at the 2022 Super Bowl with a simple QR code that that changed colour as it bounced around the screen for 30 seconds. The ad might have left people confused but it certainly grabbed their attention and got them scanning (and crashing the Coinbase website) to access a promotional page that promised $15 of Bitcoin for creating a new account.

Does this mean that QR codes are making a comeback

The little block of squares or matrix barcode that link your smartphone to a website have been around since 1994, originally developed in Japan for the automotive industry. Since the 2000s QR or Quick Response codes largely lost their popularity in the West but re-emerged in 2021 with multiple industries using this contactless solution to bridge the gap between physical and digital experiences.

Why have QR codes suddenly grown in popularity?

  1. QR codes became easy to use. Smartphone users can scan the code horizontally or vertically and it will take you straight to the relevant website, product or menu

  2. Apple introduced Native QR Reading which means you can scan the code without having to download an app

  3. Since the start of the pandemic businesses had to adapt and change to minimise contact and align with Government safety measures. QR codes made it easy for organisations like the NHS to support the COVID track and trace initiative

  4. Many countries, including the UK are using QR codes to access vaccination status for the purpose of travelling. The code updates automatically each time anyone logs onto their Travel Tracker account so it always reflects their up-to-date information

  5. Restaurants, hotels and cafe’s adopted the technology to offer customers contactless experiences by viewing menus and placing food and drink orders by simply using their mobile devices

  6. QR codes became a popular method of seamless payments in China. Even Chinese street vendors and taxi drives hold up QR codes for payments and donations. The rest of the world is still catching up but since the pandemic retailers are considering the benefits of QR payments due to lower upfront costs, time-savings, safety measures and the ability to use across multiple device types.

Why you should use QR codes for your business?

QR codes are popping up everywhere, from restaurants to tv ads, cinemas, museums and even packaging. QR codes are mobile, scannable, cost-effective, customisable and can store large amounts of information. By embracing this technology you can create contactless and measurable experiences to your customers in exchange for more information about your products or services.

5 Simple ways to Use QR Codes

  1. Create shop-able ads to direct customers to your products and services

  2. Use a QR code in a direct mailer, sales collateral, business cards, or postcards to offer a promotion or direct them to more information

  3. Link customers to a landing page or a YouTube video

  4. Post the code on social media for a special promotion or link to a specific page to encourage more engagement

  5. Use QR codes at events to entice potential customers to find out what you do and how your business can help

How Waypoint is using QR codes for our customers

Waypoint recently used a QR code as part of an exhibition stand design. At exhibitions, space on the stand is limited so we thought that using a QR code would be a good way to let potential customers access more information easily from their mobile devices. The QR code links to a custom built landing page which provides key information as well as a contact form enabling prospects to get in touch.

We also used a QR code for our client Strictly Education as part of an advertisement to prompt customers to find out more information on the service offered.

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stand 2 - use.jpg

Waypoint Digital Marketing

Ready to embrace technology and find out how to utilise QR codes for a better marketing strategy that reaches, engages and converts your audience? Waypoint is a Winchester based marketing company specialising in delivering leads. If you are looking to outsource your marketing or need marketing support, please get in touch by calling 01962 862760 or emailing

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.”