marketing agency winchester

MailChimp integrates Facebook and Instagram Ads to enhance its email marketing channels

23 June 2017

Adam Richards

Managing Director

Since it’s humble beginnings as a bulk email sending platform, MailChimp has long been popular with users for it’s easy to use, light-hearted interface. Now, for the first time the company is going beyond email marketing with the launch of integrated Facebook and Instagram advertising within it’s platform.

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Users create, design and pay for their adverts in MailChimp which then uploads the finished advert to either Facebook or Instagram.

This new feature will be particularly appealing to the many MailChimp users, as to create a Facebook or Instagram advert (or both) follows the same easy to use process that users would use to build an email campaign. As well as this familiarity, by having your email marketing and social media ads in the same place, it will ensure consistency of brand awareness for many small businesses.

MailChimp will not be charging for the service, users will just pay the same costs as advertising direct on Facebook or Instagram and users will be able to track their campaigns on their existing MailChimp dashboards.

One of the biggest benefits of the new integrated ads is that you can unlock the power of your existing MailChimp lists. The new facility enables you to target new audiences who have similar interests or demographics to your existing contacts. By targeting people who look like your top customer segments from your MailChimp contacts, you can find and attract precisely the right audience.

Another huge benefit, particularly for online shops is you can measure your return on investment of the adverts, including items sold, subscribers added, and acquired the most new customers.

If you are looking for a Hampshire based outsourced marketing agency to manage your email marketing or need help in developing and delivering your marketing strategy please get in touch at or call 01962 862760.

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