Why wade through a manual when a 90 second video will show us how to do something? We all lead busy lives and are looking for brands to communicate in ways that are easier, quicker and more meaningful.
Video can provide a richer brand experience, help build an emotional connection with the brand and convey complicated messages in a relatively simple and engaging way. In short, video can bring something that other mediums can’t. Videos are also perfectly placed for audiences who are spending increased amounts of time online.
We are increasingly finding value in videos for our business to business clients. Recently we have helped develop corporate videos to be shown at exhibitions. Without video, stands can feel very static and uninviting if simply supported by the traditional props of brochures and products on display.
Blogging is important to many of our clients and video blogs are proving particularly successful ways of engaging with prospects.
Our clients’ sales teams are also finding videos a useful tool to introduce other products and services and show key product benefits. Whether it’s animation or film, videos can really help to convey all sorts of messaging.
Last week, we were asked by a kitchen client to help the sales force demonstrate just how quick their cabinets are to assemble. Given the client is selling to large scale developers, assembly time is critical as it directly impacts on developer margins.
Saying you are quick is one thing, showing it is another. We now have a time lapse video showing how with one tool a kitchen cabinet can be built in under 5 minutes, proof that they are much quicker than they are the industry average.
Acting as our clients outsourced marketing team, our mission is to be faster, nimbler and more cost-effective than the traditional headcount heavy marketing agency. If you would like to Waypoint to help you with an aspect of your marketing strategy then please get in touch at info@waypointdigitalmarketing.com or call 01962 862760.